Thursday, July 30, 2015

Searching for the Elusive Arroyo Toad

 Southern California’s wildlife has had to endure some tough times these past few decades.  Although most species native to this harsh climate have amazing adaptation skills, the unfortunate events of fires, floods and droughts have been pushing them to their limits. . .or even extinction.  

With a head lamp and record chart in hand, I had the unique opportunity to join Bruce Edley, a California State Park’s  Environmental Science Intern,  to do my first night survey for the elusive, and endangered, Arroyo toad (Anaxyrus californicus).  Unfortunately we did not find any A. californicus, but we did find a few common desert species such as the California toad (Bufo boreas halophilus), a Granite Night Lizard (Xantusia henshawi), and many young Pacific Treefrogs (Psuedacris regilla).
A juvenile Pacific Tree frog (P. regilla) that just underwent metamorphosis
Photo credit: Mallory Lindsay

Newly transitioned Pacific Tree Frog
Photo credit: Mallory Lindsay
Granite Night Lizard (X. henshawi)
Photo credit: Mallory Lindsay
California Toad (B. b. halophilus)
Photo credit: Mallory Lindsay

According to the US Fish and Wildlife Department , “the Arroyo Toad is a relatively small (2-3 inches snout-vent length) toad. Its coloration ranges from olive green or gray to light brown. It can be distinguished from other toads by non-paired, symmetrical dorsal blotches, bicolored parotid glands that are dark posteriorly and light anteriorly as well as a light spot on the sacral humps. A prominent white "v-shaped" stripe crosses the top of the head between the eyes. It lacks a middorsal stripe. The belly is buff-white and often lacks spots. Locomotion is generally in the form of hopping as opposed to walking or taking large jumps.”
Image of an endangered Arroyo toad (A. californicus)
Photo Credit:Rorabaugh
Unfortunately due to habitat degradation and catastrophic events (fire, flood, drought, etc), this small amphibian is declining in numbers in certain regions of southern California.  Their pickiness of breeding sights is also their demise.  Females prefer shallow, slow moving water with shallow sloping sandy bank.  If any of these conditions are less than perfect, females will not lay eggs, but will wait for better conditions.  As a result, there are no prodigy to replenish the lost numbers due to predation, road fatalities and age.  

As of late 2014, the US Fish and Wildlife are in the final "comment stages" of reclassifying the Arroyo toad from endangered to threatened.  There are many mixed feelings on this subject that are causing quite the controversy between the food providers of this country and the environmentalists.  In 1994, a $3.3 million dollar plan was implemented to protect the Arroyo toad and its habitat.  This endeavor prevented any land deemed as "Arroyo toad habitat" to be used for mining, agriculture, grazing, etc in order to re-establish the declining amphibian's population. Although seemingly successful for over a decade, the Arroyo toad has been in decline in recent years due to natural disasters in the San Diego area. So what do we do?  Do we continue investing more money to save this species. . .or allow the land to be utilized to provide food for the country?

That is a question that each one of us need to ask ourselves.  Our actions reflect wildlife in so many ways.  To say, "stop eating this animal" or "do not touch this habitat" is easy, but what about those that it effects when that happens.  In the US, we are quite spoiled and could easily cut down on many of our daily consumptions; however, in many countries that is not so easy.  Many survive ( and provide for their families) completely off of hunting and trapping animals that are becoming endangered due to habitat loss, not overhunting.  Do we tell them they just have to figure something else out because the animal they have been hunting for hundreds of years is now at wrist of extinction due to politics and greed?  

Just food for thought before one starts judging another's opinion.  There are always two sides to an argument. Please do not just trust the loudest voice. Do your research.    

**Amphibians are like the “miner’s canaries” of the environment.  They are the first to be effected when pollution, invasive species, or some catastrophe enters into an ecosystem.  It is crucial to protect these animals and their environment as their conditions foreshadow our possible future. **

Until next time, this is Ms. Mallory inviting you to. . .

Join me on Facebookyoutube, and instagram @Ms.MalloryAdventures

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Tracking San Diego's Wildlife

Photo credit: Unknown 
Do you enjoy puzzles?  The outdoors?  Learning about wildlife?  

Then a tracking class may be right up your alley.  Although I am a San Diego native, it had been almost a decade since I last submersed myself in the arid habitat and really did not know how to begin my journey back into this type of environment.  As many of you would concur, finding wildlife in Tennessee (especially when you live on a safari park) is a bit easier than when in the smoldering desert of San Diego County.

 So I decided to search the local parks services for some guidance.

Photo Credit: Coyote Wild Magazine

After doing some research, I found that my initial thought was not the case at all. Timing and clues are everything when searching for wildlife.  Many of Southern Califonia's animals are crepuscular (active at dusk and dawn) or nocturnal (active at night) to avoid the high temperatures during the day; ergo, searching in the early morning, or evening, would be a better time to try to see some furry natives.  
These hours are not always possible for the busy person, so how can one experience wildlife midday?  If one is willing to take a different approach, then the experience can be even more exciting than catching a glimpse of the animal with your own eyes. 
Casts of native animal tracks
Photo credit: Mallory Lindsay

Cast demonstrations on garden soil to show different characteristics.
Photo credit: Mallory Lindsay

Comparing feline and canid prints during classroom portion
Photo credit: Mallory Lindsay

Last Saturday I decided to enroll in San Diego's Tracking Team's free tracking seminar. It was very easy to sign up for and did I mention it was FREE!!  There were people from all walks of life: children, park rangers, teachers, hikers, first daters, and even those that just wanted to learn more about their wildlife neighbors. The class lasted 7 hours, which included a classroom portion to teach the basic fundamentals of wildlife tracking and a field portion that put our newly formed knowledge to the test. No experience are supplies were needed (although I would recommend a notebook to write tips in).

San Diego Tracking team instructor taking class to a nearby wildlife corridor where numerous tracks can be found.
Photo Credit: Mallory Lindsay

Instructor places flags besides tracks for students to yes their  newly attained knowledge.
Photo Credit: Mallory Lindsay

Instructor collaborates with students to identify non fully formed prints and find other clues to lead to animal identification.
Photo Credit: Mallory Lindsay

After the seminar was over, the instructors welcomely invited the participants to sign up for wildlife surveys that would be conducted throughout the remainder of the year.  The surveys aided in ongoing research of population demographics and wildlife corridor (passageways under highways and such that connect habitats) traffic.  
Passageways under freeways make ideal wildlife corridors to allow wildlife to investigate
new territories without the threat of road fatalities.
A great place to practice tracking skills.
Photo Credit: Mallory Lindsay

Bobcat tracks
Photo Credit: Mallory Lindsay
Since my class, my thirst to learn more about tracking and wildlife behavior seems to be unquenchable.  My morning hikes/walks are greeted with a new puzzles and stories each day.  Where was this coyote heading?  Why is did this raccoon sitting by the river's edge only eat a portion of his crawfish?  Did something scare him?  I wonder if this bobcat that was trailing a rabbit eventually caught him?  

So many intriguing questions.
The prints of a raccoon are typically a "2 for 1."
A back foot typically overlays the front print when walking.  
Photo Credit: Mallory Lindsay

In today's busy world it is hard to stay connected with nature.  Make time.  Get the family involved and make it a new tradition.  
Contact your local park services and see what they offer. If they do not offer any classes, ask how many people would be needed to get a guide to show you around and teach you a bit about the park and its inhabitants.  Maybe you will be the spark that makes a difference to help jumpstart a program? 

Until next time, this is Ms. Mallory inviting you to. . .

Join me on Facebookyoutube, and instagram @Ms.MalloryAdventures

Monday, July 6, 2015

Mission Beach Post Celebration Clean Up

Richard, Ms. Mallory, Rainie, Bailey, and Karlie collected over 28 pounds of trash in just 2 hours.
Now That is a Ton of Trash

The beaches were packed to the gills with proud Americans celebrating the  Independence of our country on the 4th of July; however, when the crowds dispersed, their trash was left behind.  I Love a Clean San Diego and the Surfrider Foundation foresaw this giant mess and organized a post 4th of July cleanup to counter the huge masses.  Hundreds of volunteers came to support the event and did an unbelievable job in clearing the litter lined picnic areas and parking lots.  

Photo Credit: Mallory Lindsay
Photo Credit: Mallory Lindsay
According to the Surfrider Foundation that was managing the census of four cleanups at popular beach sites, over 2,140 pounds of trash and 388 pounds of recyclable material was prevented from entering the ocean!!  Their MORNING AFTER MESS press release stated, "Few holidays generate more trash on San Diego County beaches than the Fourth of July. Sadly, much of this litter is made up of plastic, which exacerbates an already critical pollution problem devastating marine life in the world’s oceans. This year’s Morning After Mess recovered 953 plastic bags, 1,483 pieces of Styrofoam and 21,007 cigarette butts." 

For the entire press release, click here.

Much of the trash that enters the oceans come from many miles inland and make its way to the ocean through storm drains and waterways. 

Not near an ocean?  You can still make a difference by organizing a park or community cleanup and keep the litter from entering streams and other ecosystems. 
Photo Credit: Mallory Lindsay

Visit to volunteer or ways to create your own cleanup event.

Again this is Ms. Mallory inviting you to. . . 

Visit my Facebook page and Instagram for more fun facts, videos, and ways you can make a difference for wildlife.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Ocean Trash Facts for Kids


When you think of the ocean, what comes to mind?  Sapphire blue water, colorful coral, or maybe even schools of bright fish that look like sparkling gems against the blue abyss.

Have you ever thought it would look like this?  
Plastic becoming a common sight in oceans. Photographer Unknown

Sadly, trash is gathering in our oceans fast.  Faster than our research can handle.  Although we can understand the damage large pieces of trash can do to our ocean's wildlife, the research on what happens when plastic begins to breakdown is still new.

What is the big deal about plastic?

Unlike a resource like paper or wood, plastic does not decompose (breakdown into natural elements the Earth can reuse).  Instead it breaks into smaller, rice-sized particles called micro plastics.  These small fragments are causing great concern because we still do not completely understand the effect it has on the food chain.  Scientists have found these particles in animals ranging from the size of filter feeders to whales. 

Where does all the trash go?

According to a National Geographic article:

"There are 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic debris in the ocean.  Of that mass, 269,000 tons float in the surface, while some 4 billion plastic microfibers per square km litter the deep sea."
For the rest of the article click here.

Image source

Over 80% of our ocean's trash comes from many miles away from the shore, on land.  This means that our daily routine impacts the amount of trash that enters the ocean via runoff, wind and obvious littering.  When these objects make it into the ocean, they drift in the currents and collect in gyres, or giant vortexes.   There are 5 major gyres in the world and all are known to contain large amounts of trash, especially micro plastics . Unfortunately some of these gyres are taking on the nickname of "garbage patches" due to the tremendous amount of contaminants they are collecting.

Many think these "Garbage Patches" are just floating piles of bottles and bags, but it is much worse than that. Imagine a big soup floating in the ocean like oil does. Once this "soup" reaches a gyre, the circling water draws in the trash and keeps in is the middle.  Making it almost impossible to distract. Click for more information about ocean garbage patches.

Prevention is key to keeping our oceans and wildlife well for our upcoming generations. Even if you are not near an ocean, there are so many ways to help.  Simple things like joining trash cleanup group, choosing reusable bags when grocery shopping, picking up litter (even if it isn't yours), and recycling can make such a huge impact.  Remember that most of the ocean's trash comes from many miles inland.  Every piece counts.

Visit my 20 easy ways to save the ocean blog for helpful tips.

For more kid friendly ocean facts, please visit some of my favorite links.

**Please comment below on ways you help protect the environment so others may get some fresh ideas!**

Once again. . .This is Ms. Mallory inviting you to 


Saturday, May 2, 2015

KIDS! Do You Step Outside and Adventure

Do love the outdoors?  Do you make a difference for wildlife?

Tell me about it!!

Ask an adult to print out this picture for you to color.  After you are done with your masterpiece, ask a parent to email me your picture and what your family does to make a difference for wildlife for a chance to win one of my favorite nature books!!

Contest Ends May 15th!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015



1. Recycle. Reduse. Reuse.

Okay.  This is really 3 things, but they really go hand in hand. Recycling is so simple once a routine is set.  The hardest part is getting started and keeping things convenient.  If you make it too complicated, then it will be harder to follow.  As an avid trash collector when on my outings, the one item that I see cause the most damage is plastic bags.  Not only can they be fatal when ingested by wildlife, but they take many years to break down.  According to an article from WorldWatch, trillions of plastic bags leave our homes and end up in marine environments and wildlife habitats.

Some 4 to 5 trillion plastic bags--including large trash bags, thick shopping bags, and thin grocery bags--were produced globally in 2002, according to the Worldwatch Institute's State of the World 2004 report. Roughly 80 percent of those bags were used in North America and Western Europe. Every year, Americans reportedly throw away 100 billion plastic grocery bags, which can clog drains, crowd landfills, and leave an unsightly blot on the landscape.
Perhaps less widely known is the destructive impact that plastic bags have on oceans and marine life. Tossed into waterways or washed down storm drains, the bags are the major source of human-related debris on the seabed, particularly near coastlines, according to the 2007 Worldwatch report Oceans in Peril: Protecting Marine Biodiversity. At least 267 different species are known to have suffered from entanglement or ingestion of marine debris, and plastics and other synthetic materials cause the most problems for marine animals and birds.
Every year, tens of thousands of whales, birds, seals, and turtles die from contact with ocean-borne plastic bags. The animals may mistake the bags for food, such as jellyfish, or simply become entangled. [, accessed 10/7/14]

2. Clean Up After Yourself.

I truly love the saying, "Leave only your footprints."  Whether you are outside enjoying a nice day with the family or taking a relaxing fishing trip, it should be a top priority to make sure all of your trash (including fishing line and hooks) are accounted for.  Carry an extra bag in your backpack so that you have something to store your trash in if there is no trash receptors around. BINGO!  There you go.  Problem solved.
Here is a list of the most common trash items collected.  

3. Plant a Wildlife Habitat

Whether you have 300 acres or 3 sq ft., providing a safe haven for wildlife is beneficial.  If you are short on space, create something that will benefit small amphibians, reptiles, insects and birds.  Even a window box full is butterfly plants is a great idea.  The essentials are shelter, food, and a water source. Often enough animals do not have an issue finding food; however, water is more difficult when pools of water freeze in the winter and evaporate in the summer.  For wildlife habitat examples please check out some of my favorite links.  These are all great things to do with the kids!

      For bees (in desperate need of help) click here.
      For a beautiful butterfly garden click here.
      For birds and other wildlife click here.

4. Feed Wildlife the Right Way.

Have you ever had a small, furry creature visit your porch looking for a few morsels of food?  And because we are so kind hearted and do not want to see any animal starve, we decide to throw him a little something.  Although we are thinking we are doing them a favor, we are actually creating a potentially fatal problem.

It is often a sad outcome for the poor animal that becomes habituated to humans as a source to obtain a meal.  It is human nature to want to help every cute, fuzzy animal that comes visiting our porch at night to see what scraps it can find.  However, as the animal becomes more reliant on humans for meals, the situation can potentially become dangerous for both provider and receiver.  Thousands of animals are killed each year because they are seen as a nuisance and/or dangerous to a community.  Encourage wildlife to stay away from neighborhoods by properly fastening garbage bins, not feeding wildlife "guests" scraps, and feeding your pets indoors. 

5.  Research

Out of all the things to do for wildlife, I believe this is one of the most important.  Why?  Because knowledge leads to understanding, understanding leads to problem solving, problem solving leads to action, and action leads to change.  It is fine if you do not agree with, or believe, everything that is out on the web or being said about the environment.  That is why this endeavor is so wonderful; it needs diversity and ingenuity.  However, you should know why you do not agree something and figure out a way you can benefit the environment in your own way.  

In addition, I believe that "fear" is often caused from a misunderstanding.  For example, I am terrified of deep, dark water. 

Mortified, in fact. 

However, the more I research and understand the likelihood that a shark, gator or some other mysterious monster is not going to attack me next time I take a dip, the less anxiety I get when I want a more aquatic adventure. I won't deny I still get the anxiety, but it is manageable and does not prevent me from enjoy the beauty of the situation.  I use this same approach when working with children that are scared of snakes. First we talk about the "myths and misconceptions," then they watch me handle the animal in a calm and positive manner, then they get to approach when they feel ready.  Within an hour or so, their "fear" has diminished and hopefully will enable them to teach others and not want to destroy the next slithering house guest.   

6. Last, but not least. . . . Volunteer, Donate, and Vote

Of course wildlife is always looking for more certified wildlife rehabilitators, researchers, and scientists.  However, if you are unable to be any of those things, you can still be a conservationist and make a difference for our wildlife.  You will be amazed what can be accomplished when like minded people join together.  It does not matter how little you do; it all adds up.  The amazing thing about helping wildlife and making a difference for the environment is how contagious it is.  Making a difference is rewarding and, in turn, you will want to do more and get others involved too.

Thank you everyone for checking out my blog. I love learning new things, so please share how you help wildlife in the comment section below. 

Visit my FACEBOOK page for more animal facts and videos. You can also find me on Instagram @Ms.MalloryAdventures.

Again, this is Ms. Mallory inviting you to step outside & adventure.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Adventures with Ms. Mallory

Debunking Myths and Misconceptions about the Amazing World Around Us!!

Check out my Facebook page for AMAZING nature facts